UĦM congratulates the new Cabinet

cabinet2013UĦM would like to congratulate the newly appointed Cabinet. The swearing-in of the new Cabinet was held on Wednesday 13th March 2013, led by President George Abela, accompanied by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, the Chief Justice and the Attorney General, at the Palace in Valletta.

During the coming weeks, UĦM Officials and Secretaries will be meeting the respective Ministers.

Dehra tal-Website Ġdida

Il-UĦM għandha il-pjaċir tħabbar li mil-llum l-1 ta’ Marzu 2013, il-Website tal-UĦM ser ikollha dehra ġdida. Dan huwa il-bidu tar-Re-branding tal-Website tal-UĦM fejn il-quddiem il-membri ser ikollhom anke features ġodda u innovativi sabiex jikkomunikaw aħjar mal-UĦM.