UHM agreement with Government described as milestone

The agreement reached between the Union Haddiema Maghqudin and the government on Friday was described as a milestone by UHM secretary general Josef Vella. The agreement incorporates a number of accords related to various groups of workers within the health sector.

Mr Vella said “we want our members to enjoy what UHM negotiates for them but it also proves that UHM is a union with a major presence in the health sector, covering 27 different categories of workers across it.” Among the agreements reached on Friday, there is one on Dental Surgery Assistants, which is the first for this group of workers. The UHM has sole recognition for the sector.

Iswed Fuq l-Abjad

Is-Segretarju Ġenerali tal-UĦM Josef Vella kien wieħed mil-mistiedna tal-programm popolari fuq NET TV, Iswed Fuq l-Abjad immexxi minn Dr. Frank Psaila. Matul il-programm, is-Sur Vella wieġeb għal diversi mistoqsijiet li kienu kemm fuq livell personali kif ukoll dwar il-ħidma tiegħu fil-qasam tredjunjonistiku kif ukoll dwar ix-xogħol tal-UĦM. Huwa tkellem ukoll fuq il-proġett VOICE OF THE…

Delegazzjoni mill-UĦM f’laqgħa mas-Segretarju Parlamentari għas-Saħħa Dr. Chris Fearne

Delegazzjoni mill-UĦM komposta minn Josef Vella, Segretarju Ġenerali, Jesmond Bonello, President u Gian Paul Gauci, Segretarju tat-Taqsima tas-Servizzi tas-Saħħa kellhom laqgħa kordjali ma’ delegazzjoni mill-Ministeru tas-Saħħa u l-Enerġija , magħmula minn Dr Chris Fearne, Segretarju Parlamentari għas -Saħħa, Joseph Rapa, Segretarju Permanenti, Christian Zammit, Chief of Staff u Dr. Joyce Cassar, Direttur tar-Riżorsi Umani.